Defining the Philosophus Grade

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The Philosophus, through direct experience, bridges the bottomless pit between knowledge and wisdom, uniting adoration and flame (Netzach). The obliteration of servitude (Pé), strikes the weapon upon the little earth (Kaph), waking the apparition (Nun), infusing desire (Ayin), and in the end stands upon the path (Samekh) from the first order to the second. Thus is the art refined unto the perfection of expression (completion of the system allowing the elucidation of ‘any’ and ‘all’ ideas – this is the final stage of creative training, and confirms that the

Philosophus has attained the second of three stages of self-sufficiency).
Although clear and complete instruction is provided to the Philosophus, it is expected that the finer details, especially concerning all forms of how, need not be given with undue coaching. It is enough that the Philosophus be given the tasks of their grade and guidance into Dominus Liminis. Instruction beyond this, indicates insufficient training or unworthy advancement.

Netzach (Wand)
The Philosophus attains to the last sephiroth of the first order, and this through the first method of destruction. The way from the house of Victory is secured in the uniting (cutting of the Wand), devotion through adoration (Bhakti Yoga), and the permutation of the one from the many (Liber DCCCXIII).

It was all built of malachite and emerald, and there was the loveliest gentlest living, and I was married to my Fairy Prince there, and we had the most delicious honeymoon, and I had a beautiful baby, and then I remembered myself, but only just in time, and said: "Kiss me!" And he kissed me and said: "My goodness! But that was a near thing that time; my little girl nearly went to sleep. Most people who reach the Seventh House stay there all their lives, I can tell you." It did seem a shame to go on; there was such a flashing green star to light it, and all the air was filled with amber-coloured flames like kisses. And we could see through the floor, and there were terrible lions, like furnaces for fury, and they all roared out: "Holy! Holy! Holy!" and leaped and danced for joy. And when I saw myself in the mirrors, the dome was one mass of beautiful green mirrors, I saw how serious I looked, and that I had to go on. I hoped the Fairy Prince would look serious too, because it is a most dreadful business going beyond the Seventh House; but he only looked the same as ever. But oh! How I kissed him, and how I clung to him, or I think I should never , never have had the courage to go up those dreadful passages, especially knowing what was at the end of them. And now I'm only a little girl, and I'm ever so tired of writing, but I'll tell you all about the rest another time.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]

Attack the second half of the equation – the destruction of thought, balanced with the second half of completion – the composition of art. Then let the tightrope be gripped by the toes, the haze of conscious doubt cleared, and the passage from here to there navigated at the last.

The third path is a most terrible passage; it's all a great war, and there's earthquakes and chariots of fire, and all the castles breaking to pieces. I was glad when we Came to the Green Palace.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]

Kaph (Equilibrium)
The end of this pathway can only be seen when the completed Magical Lamp has been lit, however the Philosophus may still step upon this pathway and learn the secret of the adverse. That is, he or she may learn to stand without falling. This is the only level of attainment currently possible. Yet it is enough and the tasks presented, will accomplish this, even if only begun.

There are three ways into the Fourth House from below. The first passage is a very curious place, all full of wheels and ever such strange creatures, like monkeys and sphinxes and jackals climbing about them and trying to get to the top. It was very silly, because there isn't really any top to a wheel at all; the place you want to get to is the centre, if you want to be quiet.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]

Nun (Resolution)
The end of this pathway can only be seen when the completed Magical Lamp has been lit, however the Philosophus may still observe the actions of the reactions, and this through only one practice, accomplished in a certain manner.

My Fairy Prince was laughing all the time in the third path. There was nobody there but an old gentleman who had put on his bones outside, and was trying ever so hard to cut down the grass with a scythe. But the faster he cut it the faster it grew. My Fairy Prince said: "Everybody that ever was has come along this path, and yet only one ever got to the end of it." But I saw a lot of people walking straight through as if they knew it quite well; he explained, though, that they were really only one; and if you walked through that proved it. I thought that was silly, but he's much older and wiser than I am; so I said nothing. The truth is that it is a very hard Palace to talk about, and the further you get in, the harder it is to say what you mean because it all has to be put into dream talk, as of course the language of the wake-world is silence.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]

Ayin (Rapture)
The end of this pathway can only be seen when the completed Magical Lamp has been lit, however the Philosophus may still step upon this pathway and partake of the mysteries therein. Therefore, the Practicus, having the comprehension of the artistic method infused into the scheme of the whole, partake of the feast, which he or she calls and binds through their art.

But in the first we came to a mighty throne of gray granite, shaped like the sweetest pussy cat you ever saw, and set up on a desolate heath. It was midnight, and the Devil came down and sat in the midst; but my Fairy Prince whispered: "Hush! It is a great secret, but his name is Yeheswah, and he is the Saviour of the World." And that was very funny, because the girl next me thought it was Jesus Christ, till another Fairy Prince (my Prince's brother) whispered as he kissed her: "Hush, tell nobody ever, that is Satan, and he is the Saviour of the World." We were a very great company, and I can't tell you of all the strange things we did and said, or of the song we sang as we danced face outwards in a great circle ever closing in on the Devil on the throne. But whenever I saw a toad or a bat, or some horrid insect, my Fairy Prince always whispered: "It is the Saviour of the World," and I saw that it was so. We did all the most beautiful wicked things you can imagine, and yet all the time knew they were good and right, and must be done if ever we were to get to the House of Gold. So we enjoyed ourselves very much and ate the most extraordinary supper you can think of. There were babies roasted whole and stuffed with pork sausages and olives; and some of the girls cut off chops and steaks from their own bodies, and gave them to a beautiful white cook at a silver grill, that was lighted with the gas of dead bodies and marshes; and he cooked them splendidly, and we all enjoyed it immensely. Then there was a tame goat with a gold collar, that went about laughing with everyone; and he was all shaved in patches like a poodle. We kissed him and petted him, and it was lovely. You must remember that I never let go of my Fairy Prince for a single instant, or of course I should have been turned into a horrid black toad.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]

Samekh (Rose and Cross)
The end of the order that is the golden dawn is the willed elevation into the next grade, and no challenge may be accepted from without, but annihilation from within if much is lacking in all that came before.

Then there was another passage called the Arrow by Day, and there was a most lovely lady all shining with the sun, and moon, and stars, who was lighting a great bowl of water with one hand, by dropping dew on it out of a cup, and with the other she was putting out a terrible fire with a torch. She had a red lion and a white eagle, that she had always had ever since she was a little girl. She had found them in a nasty pit full of all kinds of nasty filth, and they were very savage; but by always treating them kindly they had grown up faithful and good. This should be a lesson to all of us never to be unkind to our pets.” [Quoted from Liber XCV]